(set #MSG_INTRO "\nThis will install the arial truetype font. I'm not sure if it was legal to include it in this archive (I took it from a PC), so please don't tell anybody ;-)\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?")
(set #MSG_NOFONTDIR "\nYou forgot to run the \"Prepare Font Directory\" script. You can't continue before having done that ...");
(set #MSG_COPY_FONT "\nCopying font contents file (\"arial.font\") to \"%s\" ...")
(set #MSG_COPY_OTAG "\nCopying font outline tag file (\"arial.otag\") to \"%s\" ...")
(set #MSG_COPY_TT "\nCopying truetype font file (\"arial.ttf\") to \"%s\" ...")